Perfection down to the last detail. It is mainly the eye for detail that distinguishes a well-dressed Sinterklaas.

Clothes make the man. A little man knows where to go to look good. But where does the Holy Father go for an irreproachable appearance? To Gerritsen Theatre Costumes of course! For more than a century, Gerritsen has been the purveyor of all Saints — and Petes — in Amsterdam and beyond.

  • Sinterklaas costume complete with accessories
  • Where can I rent a Sinterklaas costume?
  • Luxury Sinterklaas suit with beard and staff
  • Sooty Pete costume for kids and adults
  • Order cheap Pete costumes online
  • Historical Sinterklaas costumes for events
  • Traditional Pete’s clothing for entry
  • Inclusive Pete suits without face paint
  • Rental of Sinterklaas and Pete’s clothing
  • Sinterklaas and Pete costumes for parties
Sinterklaas kostuum verhuur

Because this is a special chapter, we have created a separate website for you where all information can be found and where you can also make reservations:

The walk-in closet of Sinterklaas

Once a year, Gerritsen is turned upside down because that’s when Saint Nicholas comes to the Netherlands.
Traditionally, we have been supplying the largest parades and serving the one and only Saint of mitre, beard and make-up.
Both the Saints and the Petes are of high quality, so you can look stylish.
Our Petes are inspired by costumes that were worn by the rich in Europe during the 17th century, also known as the golden age.
This gives them a rare cachet worthy of a noble.
The hair that is used for the wigs and beard is real yak hair, extremely suitable for forming the characteristic costume of the Saint, creating a believable whole

Because this is a special chapter, we have created a separate website for you where all information can be found and where you can also make reservations:

Perfection down to the last detail

It is mainly the eye for detail that distinguishes a well-dressed Sinterklaas. He does not leave the door of Gerritsen Theatre Costumes without his indispensable attributes: The cross of Sinterklaas the gilded cross around his neck that is trimmed with real semi-precious stones, his ornate staff and of course the snow-white gloves over which the ring has been slid that will soon receive many kisses. Saint Nicholas has to look well-groomed. Personal care is therefore essential. His characteristic white beard is carefully coiffed. His eyebrows are brushed and a special pro-wrinkle treatment provides the authority befitting this generous giver.

Contemporary Petes in all shapes and sizes

Something for every Pete A man of rank likes to be surrounded by well-dressed companions. Our Pete costumes are inspired by costumes worn by the rich in Europe during the 17th century. This gives them a rare cachet worthy of a noble. Does Pete have other costume wishes? Gerritsen has a variety of options for Petes who strive for a different sense of style. In this way, a fun tradition continues to exist in a contemporary way.

Rental of Saint Nicholas and St. Peter’s costumes by the purveyor to the Royal Household of Sinterklaas

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PLEASE NOTE: We recommend that you order the Saint Nicholas and Saint Peter costumes well in advance. Click on the button below to make a reservation.

Because this is a special chapter, we have created a separate website for you where all information can be found and where you can also make reservations: